Sustainable Development

Sustainability is not

an option, it is an obligation

Digital ticket. ODS



Sustainability has become a vital and collective goal for humanity. Climate change is an undeniable fact and every action to reverse it is crucial.


To mitigate it and adapt to its impacts, collaboration and commitment between citizens and private companies is essential. It is our responsibility, as a society, to take all necessary actions to minimize the use of our natural resources.


Cities represent between 60% and 70% of CO2 emissions and, at the same time, are highly vulnerable to its effects. We must build resilient and sustainable environments that favor an evolution towards models of cities with ZERO carbon emissions.


Innovation, with an effective approach, must be a proactive lever for the creation of solutions that act on the effects of climate change. The key is to anticipate, we must create new efficient and sustainable habits that lead us to sustain the planet and our lifestyle.


Technology plays a fundamental role in sustainable development and, thanks to it, we can transform harmful processes into sustainable ones. Ecological technology that helps, not only, to mitigate the impact on natural resources but also to design new sustainable habits among citizens.


Changing our habits is the starting point. Disruption, understood as a break in the established way of doing things, must be necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The citizen must be at the center of the change, being a disruptive driving force. It is not only a question of technology, but of commitment and social awareness that we must bring about change ourselves.


The Covid19 pandemic has taught us, in a forced and accelerated way, that our habits can and must change: telework, online schools.... It has even provided us with data on how carbon emissions decreased drastically during the months of confinement in Spain and in all the countries of the world that were similarly confined.


So, do we have to wait for a pandemic or global tragedy to force us to realize that our habits must change?


As a society -and a human species- we need to anticipate the ultimatum, we need to be proactive and anticipate future crises. Let's not wait for a climate change tipping point to force us, let's be proactively smart and sustainable citizens. It is in our hands, it only depends on ourselves. Every detail, no matter how small it may seem, adds up.


The clock is ticking: step by step, ticket by ticket.




Committed to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals for the 2030 Agenda, Ecoticket promotes, especially, those related to the environment and innovation


"Everything seems impossible until it is done"

Nelson Mandela

Ecoticket app

2030 Agenda

Ecoticket SDG 9
Ecoticket SGD 13
Ecoticket SGD 13
Ecoticket SDG 17